PCT Day 101: Mile 1906.6 to 1917.6
August 11th, 2018 We woke up soaking wet because of a lot of condensation last night. Maybe we should have expected that since we slept on a dock… While we dried out our sleeping bags, we had breakfast and lunch…
August 11th, 2018 We woke up soaking wet because of a lot of condensation last night. Maybe we should have expected that since we slept on a dock… While we dried out our sleeping bags, we had breakfast and lunch…
August 9th, 2018 We stopped at a nice lake to fill up water early today. It was a 1.8 mile round-trip detour to get to the lake, but this stretch of Oregon is very dry, so we couldn’t pass it…
August 7th, 2018 We tried to leave Crater Lake early this morning, but before we knew it we got sucked into the town vortex and were enjoying coffee, a restaurant, and chatting with other hikers. We got onto the trail…
August 5th, 2018 This morning we planned to get out of Fish Lake Resort, where we resupplied, and back to the trail by 7am. Before we knew it it was already 7:30 and we decided to stick around for breakfast…
August 3rd, 2018 As of today we’ve been on the trail for three months. The smoke has cleared dramatically. It is still in the sky, but it isn’t bad. Also, the heat wave we’ve been trapped in seems to have…
August 1st, 2018 Today we entered Oregon. After 1,691 miles, leaving California feels like a nice accomplishment. But believe it or not, Southern Oregon looks a lot like Northern California. The smoke was thinner for most of today, but in…
July 30th, 2018 We had a short walk today into the town of Seiad Valley. The entire trail today was along the shoulder of a road, except over two bridges where there was no shoulder. We are at an elevation…
July 28th, 2018 Like every day lately, today we swam and napped by a lake for several hours around lunchtime. Renee calls this the “lake crawl” section of the trail (the previous few hundred miles was the “beer crawl” section).…
July 26th, 2018 There were no lakes near the trail today, so there was no swimming. We took a nice siesta anyway and napped near a creek. The wildfires burning all around us have really filled the sky with smoke.…
July 24th, 2018 We woke up with ash on our tent and backpacks from nearby forest fires that have filled the sky with smoke. We broke camp early and were hiking by 5:13 am to beat the heat. The forecast…