We are our happiest when adventuring outdoors! After going on more than 10,000 miles of adventures together, we’ve learned a ton about how to approach a trip and what to eat to make the outdoors as enjoyable as possible!
Nearly two years ago we began working on this backpacking guide and recipe book. Our usual short format has always limited how detailed our educational videos & posts can be, so we wrote this book to explain and provide all of the details we don’t usually fit in.
Thruhikers: A Guide to Life on the Trail hit shelves on August 20! Launch week has been a whirlwind of new experiences so far, including our first TV appearance on ABC, and our first book signing event at a bookstore in our hometown. The response to the book has been overwhelming so far — after putting years of effort into this project, it is amazing to see it so warmly received by the audience we intended it for! Thank you to everybody who commented over the years asking us to write a book, and to all of you who have already picked up a copy!
Our goal with this book was to share what we do that makes our trips so enjoyable for us, in hopes that our writing can make trips more fun for everyone!
ABC 7 Bay Area:
Talk & Signing at Books Inc:

Great work you guys! Way to take the plunge. Keep on inspiring!
Thank you!
Congratulations to you both! Can’t wait to get my copy. Not only will this book be a great inspiration, but it’ll also be packed full of tips and information – plus wonderful recipes!
Thank you!
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