Complete Map of the CDT: Generated With GPS Data We Collected

This map was made using our daily GPS data from our 2021 CDT thruhike, recorded with Renee's Garmin Fenix 5 watch. It provides trail-level resolution of every step we took and every place we camped.

Note: The map below may take a while to fully load.


This map was made using our daily GPS data from our 2021 Continental Divide Trail thruhike, recorded with Renee’s Garmin Fenix 5 watch. It provides trail-level resolution of every step we took and every place we camped.

The Route: Alternating colors correspond to different days along our hike. The line for each day can be clicked on for details (total miles, walking time, elevation gain, and link to blog post).

The CDT: One reason we were excited to make this map was to compare the route of the official CDT to the location of the actual continental divide. You can turn on the continental divide layer to check it out (button in top right)! We downloaded the continental divide shape file here:

Fire Detours: We followed the official route, but there were four places where it was closed because of forest fires so we had to follow detours. You can turn on a layer that shows the parts of the official trail that were closed when we hiked through (button in top right).

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