Homemade Ramen

Homemade ramen is sooo much tastier than store bought ramen! And it's really easy to make. It can also be cold soaked.


Ingredients (Serves 2 People):

  • 2 ramen noodle cakes
  • 1/3 + 1/4 cup dehydrated canned beans
  • 1/3 + 1/4 cup dehydrated veggies (recommendations: spicy peppers, green onions, garlic, leafy greens)
  • 1 large cube vegetable bouillon
  • 3 cups water to rehydrate (more or less water depending on how soupy you want it to be)

Before the Trail:


  • Rinse canned beans and dehydrate at 135°F until they are crispy (~8+ hours).
  • Dehydrate veggies separately at 135°F until they are crispy (~8+ hours).


Wrap vegetable bullion in foil or put in a small bag. Combine all ingredients in a larger bag. Vacuum seal bag if not eating soon.

On the Trail:

Put all ingredients in pot with water and cover. Soak for 5 minutes. Bring to a boil, and boil for 1 minute. Soak for 10 more minutes. Enjoy!


  • You can buy unflavored ramen noodle cakes at Asian grocery stores in bulk.
  • This recipe could also be cold soaked on the trail. Add all ingredients to your cold soak jar, breaking up noodles and vegetable bullion. Wait an hour or more depending on how soggy you want your noodles.
  • Do not vacuum seal bags completely to prevent pointy dehydrated veggies and ramen noodles from puncturing the bags. They will also fit better in your resupply boxes, backpack, and bear box if they are still somewhat flexible.

Before the Trail:

On the Trail:

On the Trail, Cold Soaked: