September 8th, 2018

My college friend Alex and his friend Rachel came to hike with us today. Alex brought a gift of nutritional yeast and Rachel brought a gift of beer–yum! We hiked about seven miles and hung out at a lake before Alex and Rachel headed back to the trail head. The four of us got rained on a bit, but having company was wonderful. Our backpacks were very heavy today because we filled up with a large resupply yesterday… Along with the usual meals and snacks, we accidentally bought two jars of peanut butter and perhaps foolishly decided to pack out several cans of beer. It wouldn’t have been too bad, but the terrain became very difficult today. The rocky and hilly trail made us feel like we were back in the Sierra’s. But, with a difficult trail comes beautiful views, and the views today did not disappoint. We aren’t near any volcanoes, but the sharp peaks and glacial valleys in this part of Washington are remarkable. There is a lot of rain in the forecast for the next week, but hopefully we’ll get a bit of sun at some point to dry out our gear.