PCT Day 131: Mile 2428.5 to 2448.9

September 10th, 2018

Before today, we had experienced almost no rain on the trail. It has rained on us overnight a handful of times, but never hard and never more than a mist/drizzle during the day. We broke that streak today. Last night it rained quite a bit, while we hiked it rained on and off all day, and as we set up camp it rained the hardest of all. There was enough of a break in the clouds while we had lunch for us to dry out the tent and rainfly, but that was probably useless since it got immediately wet again at camp. We pack our moisture-sensitive gear, including our sleeping bags, into dry sacks while we hike if there is a chance of rain. Therefore, once we finished setting up camp and cooking we could retire into our relatively dry and comfortable tent interior. On the trail today we climbed a lot. The views of the mountains surrounded by clouds were remarkable.