PCT Day 27: Mile 454.5 to 478.2

May 29th, 2018


Our friend Chris, who lives in LA but works in the desert, met us for breakfast on his commute. It was perfect timing because we hadn’t yet left town. Seeing Chris was great. Then, to start off our hike, the trail followed a busy road for a few miles to get back to public lands. Eventually, we were back on the trail and hiking like usual. Our bodies felt somewhat refreshed from the rest yesterday, but our feet aren’t perfect yet. We took a siesta at Bear spring to avoid the mid-day heat, and later we saw our tenth rattle snake–a baby. Then, we night hiked to make up the missed mid-day miles. In a few words, night hiking is a lot like day hiking, but with fewer reptiles and more insects. Instead of rattle snakes we spotted a scorpion.