PCT Day 59: Mile 1030.8 to 1053.4

June 30th, 2018


We slept in this morning because after a few big days we realized we might be behind on sleep. That helped us today–we felt energized and cheerful. We spent part of the morning identifying/recognizing scenery from a 2014 trip we did that covered 5-10 miles of the PCT, but pretty quickly we left the recognizable part behind. Mid-morning, we heard rumors from a few groups hiking south-bound that there was trail magic 12 miles ahead. We decided to have a small lunch and make haste to the magic. It was worth it! The trail angels were set up at a road crossing with grills, tables, chairs, coolers, etc. They were excited to hear we are vegan because they had a special vegan meal: soba noodles with veggies, cashews, clementine dressing, and grilled teriyaki tofu. Then they gave us homemade kombucha. Then for desert they gave us vegan carrot cake with whipped tofu topping. They were also cooking bacon cheeseburgers and pizza for the meat eaters. The cooler was full of coconut water and sodas to drink. It was unbelievable. We finally left at 5:30 and did another 5 miles, but we are still in awe. Amazing!

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