PCT Day 71: Mile 1242.9 to 1263.9

July 12th, 2018


We crossed the 2,000 km mark this morning. Then, we went swimming at lunch time because it was hot! The heat in Northern California feels like being in the desert again, except more humid. But, swimming is always wonderful–it is not just a chance to cool off, but also to clean ourselves and some of our clothing. After the swim we had a big climb, and at the top there was a note on the side of the trail inviting hikers to stay with a trail angel in the town of Buck’s Lake. The trail angels picked us up when we crossed the next paved road and gave us food, wifi, showers, laundry, and friendliness. They are amazing! We will return to the trail tomorrow, so although we have had a great pit-stop, we don’t expect to miss out on any of the time we planned to spend hiking. Perfect!