PCT Day 88: Mile 1625.5 to 1649.5

July 29th, 2018


Today was another smokey day. I had a slight headache and our eyes were a bit irritated. We could also smell the fires occasionally. They are far away, and we are completely safe though. Today we completed most of our long descent from 7,000 feet to 1,000 some feet in the town of Seiad Valley, where we will resupply tomorrow. We picked lots of blackberries and thimble-berries on the descent. Quite a treat! We had a large-ish stream crossing. (Small compared to the high Sierras.) I slipped and got one foot wet. Tim slipped and fell all the way in. He had to dry out his things during lunch. We don’t get fresh fruit very often out here. We ended the day by cooling off in a river near where we are camping.