PCT Day 93: Mile 1728.1 to 1752.4

August 3rd, 2018


As of today we’ve been on the trail for three months. The smoke has cleared dramatically. It is still in the sky, but it isn’t bad. Also, the heat wave we’ve been trapped in seems to have lifted. This morning and evening it was pleasantly chilly, and the day was nice. We didn’t take many breaks today, but like always we stopped hiking for a few hours at lunchtime, today next to a creek. We got to camp much earlier than the last few nights, at around 7. We had time to enjoy a pleasant dinner and dessert before dark. Thanks Jenny for the Chocolate!! Oregon is nice so far–rolling mountains and a dirt trail. I have a small amount of poison oak on the back of my left leg. It is probably from our descent into Seiad Valley a few days ago. Poison oak tends to line the trail whenever we drop below 3,000 feet. Hopefully it doesn’t get any worse. I washed my shorts in the creek today, and I’m optimistic that cleaned off any of the remaining poison oak oil.