And we’re off on the Pacific Northwest Circuit! This route will bring us approximately 2,700 miles from the Pacific Ocean, to the Rocky Mountains, to the source of the Columbia River, and then we’ll hop in our homemade canoe and head back out to the Pacific. These first three days sent us walking south along the Olympic Coast, and it was amazing! We walked through Makah, Quileute, Hoh, & Quinault ancestral lands.
Day 0 – The approach trail
We’re back at it! Tonight we are camped at Cape Alava on the Northwestern Coast of the Olympic Peninsula. This is the Western terminus of the Pacific Northwest Trail (PNT), and therefore the start of our Pacific Northwest Circuit (PNC). We got a late start leaving Seattle, but thanks to lots of help from my brother and sister, Peter and Abby, we finally hit the road around 2. After a ferry ride and a five hour drive, we made it! We packed up our stuff and hit the trail. It felt amazing to be back on a long-distance trip. Tonight we only hiked the three mile approach trail, so we won’t officially start the PNC until tomorrow. We had dinner on the beach — creamy spaghetti. Yum! -T

Day 1 – PNT Mile 16.6 – Beach Walking
We officially started the PNT today! We spent the day walking the beach along the ocean, which was a blast. We got an early start this morning because low tide was a little after 6 am. There were tons of crabs scurrying around! We took a long lunch break to wait out high tide. Some of the beaches are not passable when the tide is too high. We got a bit impatient at one point waiting out the tide, decided to get our feet wet, and had fun walking through the water. Today’s walking was flat and ranged from easy packed sand to slow slippery boulder fields. It rained off and on all day. We saw a dead whale on the beach. We also saw starfish, Bald Eagles, a deer, and sea lions. -R

Day 2 – PNT Mile 31.3 – Variety on the coast
The ocean is fun! Today was another full day of walking along the coast. We had a lot of variety today — the early morning was rocky, then we were walking on a sandy beach, and before we knew it we were at an impassable river we needed to cross via boat ride. Cool! Fortunately the river came at the first town along the trail, so we called the marina on the other side and they sent over a driver in a skiff to give us a lift across. It was an adventure. In the afternoon the variety continued with some overland trails, which are trails that go inland around sections of coast that are cliffs so they are impossible to walk on. We also met a former AT hiker today who’s trail name was “Entertainment”. He was very friendly, and it was very obvious he missed being on the trail! Who can blame him? This should be our last night on the coast. We celebrated by camping at a beautiful spot on the beach. The weather during sunset was perfect. For dinner we had chili with noodles. Yum! -T

Tide Chart

Enjoy following your adventures, keep up the photos and comments. I hope you enjoy your time in Canada. Take care and keep enjoying life.
Good luck guys! Be safe, and have fun!
Have a great trip and stay safe! I’ll be following you. ❤️
Thank you for sharing your journey. I’ve never done a thru hike. I’ve wanted to for years. I’d be doing it alone, so a bit intimidating. I hike at home, have a house in the forest, with trail out front door to miles of hiking. I’ve run into bears and mountain lions, foxes, a huge wolf, and that’s just around home. I live to camp and prefer the outside. Just haven’t made that commitment to do all the planning for the long ones… I’m actually torn between that and being a buddhist nun. Nun is winning surprisingly. Not there yet. Anyway… You’re out there, thought you might like some light reading 😁
Enjoy. Love your videos and these notes.
I love following your adventures. This one looks amazing!!! Can’t wait to see more. I love that you share your meals info too. I’m always looking for yummy backpacking food ideas. Have the VERY best time!
Just discovered you. Looking forward to following your journey.
Thrilled that I found this just as you are starting out! Your smiles say it all!!! I can’t wait to see what’s around the next corner and what you ate for dinner :). Be safe!
I’ve been into hiking my whole life but I never even knew thru hiking was a thing. Somehow though I think this is the thing I’ve been looking to do my whole life and you guys have totally inspired me! I’ve gotta get through college first but since I and my sister will be getting out of school at the same time (me college and her high school) we are planning to thru hike the pct that year 🙂 so excited to watch this journey!