PNC Days 93-95 -Dams!

We portaged four dams in the last three days! We paddled through Wanapum, Colville, Methow, Okanagan, Wenatchee, Yakama, & Moses-Columbia ancestral lands.


Day 93 – CR Mile 735.9 – Downpour

We woke up at the campground in Pateros feeling super clean after our showers last night. We had a short distance to the Wells Dam. We called the dam yesterday, and they were happy to help to us. We pulled out right above the dam, and the workers were waiting there for us. They let us carry our gear and canoe up and over the dam. They just escorted us for security reasons. We were able to put in right below the dam, so our portage was less than 0.4 miles! It was amazing!

We have been chatting with an awesome guy named Scott who lives in the area and helps paddlers navigate the dams around here. He and his wife offered to meet us at a campground and bring us dinner this evening. We were super pumped to meet them and enjoy some socializing! It was also a great motivation to paddle a few extra miles today. It was a smoky day, and we had no idea what the sky looked like. Just after 7pm, we were near an island and getting close to the campground when, out of nowhere, we thought we saw lightning. We picked up the pgace to beat the storm, but all of the sudden the wind and rain picked up like crazy. It was a struggle to make it to shore. We had to paddle as hard as we could. The boat filled with an inch or two of water from the rain, and the waves and wind were pushing us sideways. But we made it to shore (soaking wet)! Scott and Amy pulled up, and offered to host us at their house instead. We said yes! We had an amazing home-cooked meal, we washed and dried our clothes, we slept in a comfy bed, and we had tons of fun chatting about paddling. Thank you Scott and Amy!! -R

Day 94 – CR Mile 769.7 – Damn dams

We had two dams to portage today. Our new friend Scott gave us as much info as possible on the best routes, but there weren’t many good options. Yesterday’s dam was operated by Douglas County, and Douglas County Public Utility District seemed to like paddlers (maybe because Scott works for them???). Today’s Dams were in Chelan County, and Chelan County PUD did not seem to like paddlers. They have plopped ginormous money trees (the dams) right in our way on the river, but they have no interest in investing towards making it possible to get around the obstructions. For the first Dam (Rocky Reach) we ended up bushwhacking down a steep hill with a canoe on our heads to get to the river downstream of the dam, and for the second (Rock Island) we had to walk the canoe down the shoulder of a very busy highway before somehow climbing down a steep boulder field of “rip rap” to get back on the river. The good news: we made it, and we didn’t break any bones or the canoe in the process. After the second dam we paddled down a smooth river with dry shrub land and cliffs on the sides. We found a nice sandy campsite and pulled off. We had sloppy lentils for dinner. Yum! We have 6 more dams ahead, but at least the next two should be easier. -T

Day 95 – CR Mile 810.3 – Rock walls

Today’s landscape featured big rock walls! We paddled past islands throughout the day, and one had a deer on it, which made us wonder why the deer decided to swim across the river to get there. We have also been seeing bighorn sheep down by the river (including three fighting rams) and pelicans the last few days. The water birds, including geese, loons, and coots, are starting to group up. Is fall on its way?

Just before we paddled under Interstate 90 around lunchtime, a boat drove up to chat with us. Brad and Chris, who work for Grant County PUD, were out fishing. Scott had been emailing with Brad for us to help find the best portage routes around our next two dams. What a coincidence! Brad put together an amazing map for both dams with his suggestions for the safest portage routes. When we arrived at the boat launch above Waunapun Dam, Scott and Chris dropped off lunch for us! We carried the canoe around the dam to the boat launch just below the dam, which ended up being only a mile long portage route and pretty easy. Then we continued on downriver and are camped not far from our next dam which we’ll portage tomorrow. Thank you, Brad, Scott, and Chris!! -R


  1. What an amazing journey!!! I look forward to your posts and wonder what I will enjoy reading as much, once you complete the trip. I sure hope you’re planning your next one.

  2. It is so nice to hear of all the amazing people who are supporting and helping you guys out. Nice to read these positive stories of amazing generosity and kindness.

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